There are a variety of ways to save money on Marketplace health insurance plans. How much you save and how you save is determined by several factors, including household size and income.
i) When you register in Marketplace health coverage, you might be able to get lower monthly premiums.
ii) You may be eligible for reduced copayments, deductibles, and coinsurance.
iii) CHIP (Children’s Health Insurance Program) or Medicaid can provide you or your child with complimentary or low-cost coverage.
iv) You cannot be charged more simply due to your pre-existing condition or because you are a woman.
v) You might be connected with your parent’s health plan if you are under the age of 26.
vi) You may be able to purchase a lower-cost “catastrophic” insurance coverage if you are under 30.
vii) Small firms might qualify for expanded small industry tax obligation credits.
How Can I Know What I’m Eligible For?
When you complete your health insurance application form, you’ll learn how much money you can save and what insurance plan you’ll be eligible for. Here are a few essential things to understand about getting reduce costs on your insurance coverage.
- Most applicants who apply for Marketplace programs will be eligible for some financial assistance.
- The Open Enrollment Period starts on November 1, 2021, and coverage begins on January 1, 2022.
- Plans and prices for the Marketplace will be available on November 1.
Meanwhile, answer a few quick questions, and we’ll send you a personalized list of programs you might be eligible for, content you should read, and a document checklist to help you prepare.
Questions? Call +1 855-913-1570 and TTY users at 1-800-855-0511, which is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.