Did you know that if you have a pre-existing condition, no insurance company can charge you more, deny your coverage, or refuse to pay for critical health benefits?


What does it mean to have a pre-existing condition?

  • A pre-existing condition means a health problem that you had prior to the start date of your new health coverage.
  • Pre-existing conditions include epilepsy, cancer, diabetes, lupus, sleep apnea, and pregnancy.


Is my pre-existing condition going to influence my health insurance coverage?

  • No, beginning on the first day of coverage, treatment for any pre-existing medical condition is covered.
  • Once you’ve enrolled, your insurance company can’t refuse coverage or raise your costs solely because of your health.
  • Annual or lifetime coverage limits are not allowed in Marketplace plans.


What if I’m expecting a child?

  • If you were pregnant when you applied, your insurance plan could not deny you or charge you more because of it.
  • Your pregnancy and deliveries are covered from the day your plan begins once you’ve joined.


Learn more about coverage for pre-existing conditions.