Beginning today, you can purchase a 2022 health plan, change your existing plan, choose a new coverage through the Marketplace health insurance.

Are you new to the Marketplace? You can look over 2022 health insurance plans and costs before you apply. Insurance premiums will be displayed based on your estimated income. Remember, the majority of people are eligible for financial assistance with their premium costs.

Do you have a Marketplace plan for 2021? You can compare 2022 health insurance plans and premiums to your current coverage, update your enrollment form with any changes in your household or income, and sign up for a program. New and affordable health coverage plans may become available this year; thus, don’t miss out on Marketplace savings for 2022.

Get started

  • Apply for health insurance through our website, Insurance Shopping, and begin a new coverage plan.
  • Update your enrollment application if you want to change your current coverage.


You must sign up or change plans by December 15 if you want your new or updated health insurance coverage to begin in January. This way, you can get started on a new health plan without any delay. Moreover, you can change your health coverage at any time during Open Registration, which ends December 15, 2021.