If you purchased health insurance through Marketplace in 2021, you’d have to decide whether to keep your existing coverage or switch to a new one in 2022. Check out these steps to stay covered to get started.


Choosing a health plan for 2022 is the first step to keeping insured.

You can keep the same plan you had in 2021 (if it’s still available) or switch to one that better meets your needs. Use the 14-digit plan ID from the letter you received from your health plan to stay enrolled in your 2021 plan.


Here is a list of factors to keep in mind when you make your decision:

  • In 2022, you can choose any plan available in your area, regardless of the type of coverage you had in 2021.
  • All health plans sold on the Marketplace in 2022 must include all of the benefits and protections mandated by the healthcare law.
  • You can only access premium tax credits and cost-sharing reductions if you enroll in a plan through the Marketplace if you qualify.


Take action by December 15, 2022, to ensure that you have the right coverage in place for your needs on January 1, 2022.

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