You have only two weeks left to enroll in Marketplace health coverage for 2022. If you sign up for 2021, you have until December 15, 2021, to change or update your plan. If you do nothing, you might be automatically enrolled in 2022 but may miss out on new health insurance options.

How to compare & update plans for 2022

  • If you intend to continue with the same plan in 2022, log in and update your enrollment application with any expected earnings and household changes for the coming year. There could be new plans that are better suited to your situation.
  • Updating your data will also ensure that your 2022 financial support is correct. Otherwise, you may find yourself paying a higher monthly premium or owing money when you register your federal income taxes.
  • Once your information has been updated, compare your current plan to other 2022 options. These steps can help you feel confident that your household has the right coverage for the following year.

Find out more about changing or renewing your coverage for 2022.