If you’re currently enrolled in a health insurance plan through Marketplace coverage, now is the time to review your health plan and decide if you need to make any changes for 2021. You have options to continue with your existing plan (if it’s still available) or switch to a new health insurance plan.

Insurance agencies can change a plan’s premium costs, prices, and the services and benefits they cover every year. Every fall, the health insurance agency sends you a letter explaining these changes. Therefore, it’s crucial to preview your 2021 health insurance coverage to ensure if it still meets your requirements.

Things To Remember As You Review Your Health Plan

Here are a few things to keep in mind as you review your insurance plan.

  • Search for a notice in the mail this month from your health insurance company explaining your plan modifications.
  • Read the letter, as well as contact your health insurance plan if you have any questions.
  • Make a note of important dates and other information from your letters, like registration deadlines and your 14-digit plan ID.
  • Various insurance companies now have 2021 insurance plans and estimated costs accessible for preview. It will be beneficial to see what other plans are available to you and compare them to the insurance coverage provided by your current plan.


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